Friday, December 10, 2010

The Lost Boys

The New York Times magazine recently published an article that regarding to the group of Lost Boys of the Sudan.  In short the Lost Boys fled to avoid being kidnapped by soldiers from northern Sudan.  The article presents that a new digital archive of their refugee records have surfaced from Ethiopia.  These documents have brought traumatic memories back to these refugees, but also closure.  Refugees note that although they remember details from their childhood and flee to the United States, it was a difficult topic to share with others, especially without hard proof.  These new archives give the Lost Boys proof of what they went through.  It makes it easier for them to vent and articulate their hardships which in turn helps them to heal psychologically.  Although it may present hard topic, the new archives will benefit these Lost Boys and others in the future.

Read about the Lost Boys and the new digital archives here!

1 comment:

  1. Wow it is amazing that some of their personal history is permanently lost. It must have torn the parents apart watching their kids flee from the government. I found a video on youtube that chronicles the experience of two lost boys and some of the comments are from lost boys or girls, showing what they had to go through. Here's the link:
